
My Land

Davide Rivalta

Forte di Belvedere, Florence (Italy)
from June 29,2019 to October 20, 2019

On this occasion, AP Projets d’Art co-produced a part of the works of the artist Davide Rivalta.

“The outdoor stands, among terraces and green areas, are populated by the animals of Davide Rivalta with the project My Land, curated by Saretto Cincinelli and Sergio Risaliti. Ten buffaloes, an eagle, a rhinoceros and two wolves: indomitable, almost timeless presences, in a ‘barbaric and wild’ invasion of places transformed from the garden to free space.”

The rooms in the basement of the Forte, which this year boasts new exhibition spaces, will also host Rivalta’s site-specific drawings. The large figures of animals sketched on the walls illustrate and integrate the creative process of the sculptor, who expresses the strength of his art in the graphic lines. Dozens of birds and a rhinoceros occupy the four rooms, an underlying tribute to two great artists of the Renaissance, evoked here in a sort of impossible encounter: Leonardo da Vinci, whose 500th death anniversary occurs this year, and Albrecht Dürer.” (Source: musefirenze.it)

AP Projets d’Art participated in the production of the exhibition catalogue, edited by the publishing house “Forma”, directed by Sergio Risaliti and Saretto Cincinelli. Texts by Pier Luigi Tazzi and photos by Davide Rivalta.